Pronunciation and orthography
An aspect of Slovak that differs from other Slavic languages is the rhythmic rule: two long syllables cannot occur consecutively.
Long syllables are syllables containing a long vowel (á, é, í, ó, ú), a long syllable-forming consonant (ŕ, ĺ), or a diphthong (ia, ie, iu, ô). This rule is often applied to adjectives.
pekná ruža (pretty rose)červená ruža (red rose)krásna ruža (beautiful rose)
As the root of the word //krásn-// is already long, the ending //-ý, -á, -é// must be shortened: //krásny, krásna, krásne//. The word roots //pekn-// and //červen-// are short, so the ending can remain "normal", i.e. long (//pekná, červená//).
When shortened, long vowels change into short vowels. Diphthongs change as follows:
- ia – a
- ie – e
- iu – u
- ô – o
There are many exceptions to the rhythmic rule.
Exemptions from the rhythmic rule
For nouns:
- declension of //vysvedčenie//, e.g.:
lístie, prútie, skálie - feminine nouns (genitive plural), e.g.:
básní, tlačiarní, piesní - declensions of //žena//, //ulica//, //mesto// (genitive plural), e.g.:
výhier/výher, hospodárstiev - with the endings //-iar//, //-iareň//, e.g.:
múčiar, bieliareň - with the prefixes //ná-//, //zá-//, //sú-//, e.g.:
nátierka, zásielka, súčiastka
For adjectives:
- declension of //páví//, e.g.:
líščí, kohútí
For pronouns:
- indefinite pronouns, e.g.:
niekým, niečím, bárským, bohviečie, čertviečím, ktoviekým, neviemčiu
For verbs:
- repetitive verbs, e.g.:
chválievať, strážievať - conjugation of //rozumieť//, e.g.:
zmúdrieť - participle, e.g.:
chváliac, súdiac - present active participle, e.g.:
chváliaci, súdiaci - past active participle (archaism), e.g.:
vyliavší, zakliavší
For different compound words, e.g.:
prvýkrát, tisícnásobne, viacmiestny