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Pronunciation and orthography

In Slovak, capital letters are used in the following circumstances:

  1. At the beginning of the sentence
    • Hovoríte po slovensky?
    • Ako sa voláte?
    • Moja rodina býva v Bratislave.
  2. In proper nouns (names of people or places, names of institutions, works of art, magazines, etc.).
    • Jano, Lucia, Slovenská republika, Dunaj, Vysoké Tatry, Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, Slovenské národné divadlo, Hájnikova žena, Hamlet, Slovenské pohľady
  3. Abbreviations and acronyms
    • SR (Slovenská republika)
    • SNP (Slovenské národné povstanie)
    • SEČ (stredoeurópsky čas)
    • O (oxygenium - kyslík)
    • kW (kilowatt)
  4. As a sign of respect (e.g. in correspondence)
    • Dostal som Tvoj list.
    • Ďakujeme za Vašu objednávku.
    • Milujem Ťa.

Note: All other nouns are written in the lower case (unlike in some languages like German, which capitalise nouns).

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