Parts of speech and inflexion
Prepositions express relationships between words.
They are classified as follows:
na ,v ,pod ,nad ,od ,z ,po ,medzi ,za -
popod ,ponad ,popred
Prepositions are uninflected words (they are not declined, conjugated, or compared).

Slovak prepositions are associated with different cases. One preposition can be associated with two or three cases.
You must distinguish between::
The first sentence expresses the DIRECTION of movement. We've used the prepositional phrase do + G. More examples:
The second sentence expresses a LOCATION of a person or object. We've used the prepositional phrase v + L. More examples:
The third sentence expresses the DIRECTION of movement FROM a location. We've used the prepositional phrase z + G. More examples:
Kde - kam (Where - to where)
I'm at the bank.
I go to the bank.
I'm at the post office.
I go to the post office.